About Us
Welcome to Ireland’s longest running and most innovative Anti-bullying Programme for children, young people, their teachers, and parents, the award-winning Sticks and Stones Anti-bullying Programme™
every child should be able to fulfil his or her potential free from the damage that bullying causes
Sticks and Stones Anti-bullying Programme™ offers a three-strand approach for the whole school community
WORKSHOPS for students, both primary and secondary schools

Be The Solution – our original workshop
DoUTattoo? – cyber safety, cyber bullying workshop
TRAINING for teachers and parents
Teachers: Understanding Bullying – Putting Policy into Practice
Parents: Understanding Bullying – Beyond the Myths and Stereotypes
Schools can engage with one or all three strands. To reduce costs schools can combine their teacher training and parents evenings with other local schools, or community groups.
Meeting standards of best practice for the Protection and Welfare of Children, all members of our team are fully Garda Vetted in line with the statutory requirements of schools.