Our Programme

Sticks and Stones the original Anti-bullying Programme™ is Ireland’s longest running, and most innovative Anti-bullying Programme for children, young people, their teachers, and parents. Sticks and Stones Anti-bullying Programme™ is a European award winning anti-bullying programme for Irish schools. We aim to heighten awareness of bullying in all its guises, reveal the misery it inflicts and help break the silence that ensures its continuance. Drama is again proving to be a key element in getting young people to participate and engage with the issues. Using a combination of in-depth discussion, communication exercises, role-play and Forum Theatre our facilitators encourage them to explore and articulate their feelings and attitudes towards bullying. Our approach is not to attribute blame to individuals, but to look at the class holistically and to examine the group dynamics at play. It is intensive and participative – your students will never again be able to say: “It was only a joke”.

Our format encourages pupils to take personal responsibility for their actions, and equips them with the skills to address bullying in their environment. We do this by giving them the knowledge and skills to problem solve for themselves. We work hard to ensure that your students have;

  •  the ability to recognise bullying
  •  the confidence to challenge it
  •  and the skills to handle it.

A Whole School Approach

Sticks and Stones Anti-bullying Programme™ is Ireland’s leading award winning anti-bullying programme for schools, primary and post-primary.
We believe that every child should be able to fulfil his or her potential free from the damage that bullying causes.

We offer a Whole School Approach to addressing bullying in Irish schools, primary and secondary.

The programme elements can be taken individually, or preferably together.

Sticks and Stones Anti-bullying Programme™ offers a three strand approach for the whole school community;

Children & Young People

Our workshops and training sessions can be delivered in person, or live online, via a secure webinar space.


Our talks for parents & guardians are delivered live online, via a secure webinar space, at a time that suits you.

School Staff

Our comprehensive training sessions are delivered live online, via a secure webinar space, and can be scheduled to maximise “Croke Park Hours”